Sunday, March 16, 2014

Ukraine - Background and Developments up through the referendum in Crimea, March 16, 2014

Timeline of developments in Ukraine since it declared independence from Russia in 1991

BBC Ukraine Timeline

Some links with streaming updates:

Wall Street Journal Streaming News on Ukraine

Yannis Koutsomitis Storify: Ukraine after Regime Change

CNN: Crisis in Ukraine

The referendum on Crimea took place today with the expected outcome of the referendum in Crimea:

BBC on the Referendum in Crimea

The Ukrainian Prime Minister sent a warning to Russian separatists and the outcome of the referendum could lead to a loss of resources for Crimea - and a painful switch over to dependence on Russia:

Ukraine Prime Minister sends warning to Pro-Russian separatists

Meanwhile in Moscow, thousands protested, including members of Pussy Riot:

Tens of Thousands Protest Putin

"Don't believe it when they say that we are few, that we are weak," said Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, a member of Pussy Riot, during the rally. "Together we will change this country."

From the White House:

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